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Your solidarity... Our strength!

For The first time USJ is participating in the global day of giving powered by social media #GIVINGTUESDAY. 

This movement celebrates solidarity in the world and inspire generosity in all its forms.

We count on your engagement to support USJ students and raise funds to cover 25 scholarships!

In order to reach as many people as possible, we count on you to:

1- Take a picture of yourself, carrying a white paper with the message #USJGivingTuesday
2- Share it on your social media networks using the following hashtags: #USJGivingTuesday #USJFoundation #GivingTuesdayLebanon #GivingTuesdayBeirut #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesday2020 #USJLiban #USJSolidaire

Every donation counts 


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