USJ Beirut - North America office

This office was created in December 2019 and addresses the following functions:

It supports the University in its quest for international expansion.

It is responsible for promoting the University’s presence in North America, but also for liaising, centralizing and promoting the modes of cooperation between USJ and its academic and social partners.

It coordinates USJ initiatives in the fields of academic cooperation, scientific research and development, and collaborates in their implementation.

It also contributes, in collaboration with the Federation of USJ Alumni Associations and the USJ Alumni Office, by locating University Alumni and providing the necessary support for the creation of new Alumni Chapters in North America and the maintenance of existing Chapters.

It supports USJ Foundation projects through USJ Alumni and Friends by identifying resources and raising funds for student scholarships and university development programs.

The Office assists young USJ graduates in their integration into the American environment and accompanies University representatives on their missions in the United States of America and Canada. 

For any information,  please contact:

Mrs Randa Gemayel Hakim

Director of North America Office, Foundation USJ & Alumni Coordinator

PO Box 460854, Houston TX 77056 


Tel: (832)360-6951 

USJ office - Paris, France

After its creation in March 1981 and following the development of its activities, the USJ Administrative Office in Paris was placed on September 5, 1985, under the regime of French associations governed by the Law of 1901.

The aim of this association is to promote USJ various institutions in their educational and cultural mission.

Director : Gassia ARTINE BAGHDASSARIAN                     

Chairman of the board of directors: François BOËDEC s.j.
Vice-president : Salim DACCACHE s.j.
General secretary : Bernard GILLIBERT s.j.
Treasurer: Denis Delobre s.j.
Deputy general secretary: Dominique Salin s.j.


42, rue de Grenelle
75343 Paris Cedex 7

Tel : +33 (1) 45 49 12 11
Fax: +33 (1) 45 49 98 77