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Francois Abi Fadel (FM, 2005): new article in CHEST

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Francois Abi Fadel (FM, 2005), Maria Mitri, and Georges Juvelekian published an article in the journal CHEST about “Surviving a Coinciding Pandemic, a Major Deadly Disaster, and an Economic Collapse What Did We Learn?”. Dr Mitri and Dr Juvelekian are affiliated to the Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Saint Georges University Hospital, and to the University of Balamand Medical School in Beirut. As for Dr Abi Fadel, he is affiliated to the Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, and the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.

The article is about their experience as doctors, when one of the world’s largest nonnuclear explosions in history struck the city on August 4, 2020. They also talked about the lessons learned in the care of critically ill patients in the aftermath of the explosion who coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. Each month, the journal CHEST features the best in peer‑reviewed, cutting-edge original research in the multidisciplinary specialties of chest medicine.

Francois Abi Fadel obtained his Diploma in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of USJ in 2005. He is today the President of Ohio Thoracic Society Chapter of the American Thoracic Society, a member of Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) Assembly Web Committee and an associate professor of clinical medicine in Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Francois often publishes in the National Library of Medicine.


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