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Dr Nadim Abou Jaoudeh (FMD 1983) elected President of the International College of Dentists - Middle East section


Association des Anciens FMD

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The International College of dentists, Middle East Section held its handover ceremony on February 4th 2020 at the Novotel World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE. The ceremony was attended by Fellow Dr. Aaicha Sultan, President of health authority in UAE, ICD fellows, general dentists, friends and other related family members. 

Councilor Cedric Haddad welcomed the audience with a brief speech. A word from Past ICD President Youssef Talic, represented by his son Doctor Fouad Talic, was stated. President Talic thanked all fellows for their support during his term, and congratulated the new elected President, Dr. Nadim Aboujaoude, wishing him all the success during his presidency. Afterwards, Fellow Nabil Barakat presented the ICD golden medal to President Aboujaoude who showed his gratitude to ICD fellows for their trust, and promised to put all his efforts to promote social, scientific and humanitarian activities under the ICD umbrella. The meeting was ended by taking memorial pictures with the elected president. 

On another hand, the ICD-Middle East Section (Section X) convened for its Annual Assembly Meeting for the election of a new board of Officers on February 27th, 2020 at the  Lebanese Dental Association Headquarter, Beirut, Lebanon. The nominated officers were unanimously approved and elected by the attending Fellows for the term 2020-2022.

The new board was as follows: 

President                                                           Nadim Aboujaoude

President Elect                                              Nasir AlHamlan

Vice President                                                Philip Souhaid

Immediate Past President                       Youssef Talic 

Registrar                                                            Joseph Sabbagh

Treasurer                                                           Fadl Khaled

Editor                                                                  Ramzi Haddad

Councilor                                                          Cedric Haddad

Regent District 1                                          Edmond Koyess

Scientific Committee Chair                    Nicole Geha

Regent District 2                                           Eman AlNamnakani

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