A while ago someone asked me why I wasn’t married yet, given the fact that most of my friends are. My reply was that it’s not my current priority. The person asked me what was? and I just said “me” – as the most obvious answer I could think of. At that moment, they gave me a look that made me think I had two heads and four eyes. A look of disapproval and surprise – combined into one. I felt too selfish for choosing to focus on myself for the time being, too guilty to think of putting myself first. But I’m not and I shouldn’t be. And that’s the problem. Everyone has different reasons as to why they should love themselves. So here are 5 reasons of mine that I think you should consider.
1. No, it’s not selfish of you
We are often blamed for being too selfish because we put ourselves first. We are blamed for choosing to pursue personal goals rather than follow societal trends and traditions. But we shouldn’t. It’s not selfish of you to choose you and put yourself first. And there’s definitely nothing wrong with saying no to any draining circumstances, and making choices that are in your best interest. It’s not selfish to make your happiness about you, about developing yourself, reaching new milestones, breaking new boundaries and exceeding expectations.
Make you your first, second and third priority.
2. You owe it to yourself
Everyone has been going through a lot lately, be it mentally or physically. The world is not being easy on anyone and we are all finding ourselves down and stuck in a daily routine loop. I cannot emphasize how important self care is, for the very simple reason of you owing it to yourself.
You love, care, respect, help, notice, listen to and lift others; but when was the last time you did all those for yourself? When was the last time you listened to what your soul and body need and gave them that? Stop pouring your sunshine over someone else’s garden, because your flowers are dying too. Make sure you find enough courage to listen to your inner voice calling for help.
You owe yourself love and care.
3. Being unloved by others will seem okay
Honestly, you shouldn’t care that much anymore. Being loved by others shouldn’t seem crucial and it definitely shouldn’t affect you or your decisions. I mean it sure is amazing to feel loved by your surrounding entourage, but should it be your main concern? Of course not. The love you have for yourself will automatically reflect on how you treat others. And when you’re confident enough and you love yourself enough, being unloved by others will seem okay. You will be okay about it, because you have enough love to give yourself that you’re not waiting for someone else’s anymore. You know your value and appreciate it enough, that you choose yourself everyday, undoubtedly, over and over.
4. It will only improve your life
Self love and gratitude are probably the root of all happiness. Everyone wants to live happy and dream big, but no one starts from within. Self love is just magic. You will be invincible and less insecure. Comparing yourself to others will not be an option anymore. You will cultivate and nurture yourself. And you will be happier.
When you love someone, you want them to be happy right? So when you love yourself, you should want to make yourself happy. Makes sense?
5. You will be able to inspire and love others
The way you love yourself is how you show and teach others to love you and themselves as well. Be their inspiration and show them what it is to prioritize yourself. Awaken their hearts and make them become the authors of their story again. Love yourself enough so others want to love themselves that way too.
Self love will set you free. It will push you to your greatness and to achieve your most. No one will be able to hold you back or talk you down. Be the light that you need and empower yourself enough to be whole and complete and everything you ever need.

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