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In memory of Dr Joseph Fares (FM, 1973)




Born in Beirut on September 29, 1947, the self-made man and man of honor Dr. Joseph Fares is an Alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine (FM) of USJ where he obtained a French state diploma of doctor of medicine in 1973. He then moved to Montreal, Canada and specialized in otolaryngology at McGill University.

Dr. Joseph Fares lived and practiced in Canada for eight years before settling in Jacksonville, Florida in 1988. He worked in private practice there for 32 years as an otolaryngologist and in head and neck surgery.

At the same time, Dr. Joseph Fares was a member of the Florida Medical Association (FMA), the Duval County Medical Society (DCMS), the American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology (AAO) and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC). He was also a member of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida and had volunteered his medical services to We Care Jacksonville in service to the community. He was also the president of the National Arab American Medical Association of Jacksonville (NAAMA) for five years. 

Known for his talent, intelligence, kindness and quietty, Dr. Fares was devoted to his community. He was an early trustee and founding father of the St. Maron Maronite Catholic Church of Jacksonville where he served as past president & treasurer of the church council. 

Dr. Joseph Fares passed away on September 6, 2020. He is survived by his wife Betty Fares, daughters Gabrielle & Nicole Fares, daughter Michelle Nakkash & granddaughter Sophie Nakkash. 

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