Dr. Nazih Khater is a top rated experienced urologist in Shreveport, Louisiana, who has been in practice for several years in the United States of America.
Today, Nazih Khater (FM, 2003) is an Assistant Professor of Urology in the Department of Urology at LSU Health- Shreveport. His primary focus and area of expertise is advanced endourology, renal surgery for kidney stones, and robotic-assisted surgery for cancers of the prostate, kidney, and bladder. Being actively involved in the academic progress of the Urologic field, Dr. Khater is constantly working on developing novel techniques.
Khater graduated from the Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) School of Medicine, with a Doctor of Medicine Diploma in 2003. He completed his surgical training and Urology Residency at SUNY Downstate in New York and at the American University of Beirut (AUB-MC). He then pursued a 2-year accredited Endourology and Robotic surgery fellowship at Loma Linda University, Los Angeles in California. During his fellowship, he was recognized in the 2016 American Endourology Fellowship Contest for his essay entitled “Bench-top feasibility testing of a novel percutaneous renal access technique: the laser direct alignment radiation reduction technique (DARRT).” He also worked with the Loma Linda Urology Research team on a R01 NIH Grant in validating a surgical paradigm.
Khater is currently the Chair of the Committee on Education and Science of the Louisiana Urological Society. He is also the Louisiana Alternate Representative to the SESAUA Board of Directors.
He serves on the Northwest Louisiana Medical Society Board of directors and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Khater is also a member of the AUA, AMA, the Endourological Society, the Society of Urologic Robotic Surgeons. He serves as a reviewer for several national and international journals, including the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Endourology, and the Canadian Urological Association Journal. Dr. Khater has authored numerous online publications and book chapters in the field of Urology, Endourology and Robotic Surgery.
Finally, Nazih Khater is a national and international lecturer in his field, having presented in conferences in the United States, France, Taiwan, England, Turkey, and Jordan.

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